Digital Wit Academy

Your Digital Success
Story Begins Here

Digital Wit Academy courses are enough for successful freelancing or employment career as well as own business development.

2 K+

Number of Student


Total Videos

1 K+

Total Enrollment

$100 K+

Learning Resources

2 K

Total Student


Total Videos

1 K+

Total Enrollment

$100 K+


Wings of Skills

Top Picked Course

Get Free Counseling from a Career Counselor

We offer free career counseling support so that you can make the right career decisions. You will get answers to your various career-related questions from experienced career counselors.

Digital Wit Academy Inquiry From

Digital Wit Academy Inquiry From

Get free consultation with industry experts​

We offer free consultation about career or business growth where you will get individual analysis by the experts. You can book a meeting and discuss your questions personally.

Get the learning

Watch lessons and learn anytime, anywhere with the Digital Wit Academy app

digital wit academy app
digital wit academy app

Get the learning app

Watch lessons and learn anytime, anywhere with the Digital Wit Academy app

Career Driven Courses

Career Skills


Marketing Course


Live Class


Join WorkShop


Join Our Career Guidance Webinar with Industry Experts

To achieve the proper knowledge and guidelines in the digital marketing industry, participate in our webinars. It is a golden opportunity to directly learn from the practical experiences of industry experts and get the chance to ask them your questions.

Join our career guidance webinar with industry experts

To achieve the proper knowledge and guidelines in the digital marketing industry, participate in our webinars. It is a golden opportunity to directly learn from the practical experiences of industry experts and get the chance to ask them your questions.

Why Should You Join Our Academy

Expert guidelines

Expert Guidelines

Each of our students will get individual guidance for his/her career development from the industry experts.
mentors direct support

Support From Mentor

Each of our students will get proper support from the mentor on understanding any course related material.
projects and assignments

Regular Assignments

Each of our students will get related assignments and projects so that they can practice what they have learnt from the courses.
freelancing support

Freelancing Support

Experts will give any type of freelancing support to our students about profile, job understanding or client support.
job and internship possibilities


We help our students to take any type of interview or meeting preparation which will make them confident in real life.
career and interview preparation

Interview Preparation

We help our students to take any type of interview or meeting preparation which will make them confident in real life.

verified certificate

Course certificate

Each of our students will get a verified certificate from digital wit academy after completion of the full course properly.
learning in convenient time

Convenient Time

We provide course records and maintain proper communication channel where our students can contact us 24/7 for any queries.

What Opportunities Are You Getting From Us

Expert guidelines

Expert Guidelines

Each of our students will get individual guidance for his/her career development from the industry experts.

mentors direct support

Support From Mentor

Each of our students will get proper support from the mentor on understanding any course related material.

projects and assignments

Regular Assignments

Each of our students will get related assignments and projects so that they can practice what they have learnt from the courses.

freelancing support

Freelancing Support

Experts will give any type of freelancing support to our students about profile, job understanding or client support.

job and internship possibilities


We help our students to take any type of interview or meeting preparation which will make them confident in real life.

career and interview preparation

Interview Preparation

We help our students to take any type of interview or meeting preparation which will make them confident in real life.

verified certificate

Course Certificate

Each of our students will get a verified certificate from digital wit academy after completion of the full course properly.

learning in convenient time

Convenient Time

We provide course records and maintain proper communication channel where our students can contact us 24/7 for any queries.

Learning categories


Regular live classes


Recorded Videos


Lifetime Support




Start learning with Digital Wit Academy

Get unlimited access to structured courses & doubt clearing sessions

Learning categories


Regular live classes


Recorded videos


Lifetime support




Digital Marketing For Newbies

Grab Industry Knowledge From Our All Platforms

We share valuable information and practical experiences on our various platforms. Our agency "Digital Wit" and education platform "Digital Wit Academy" have various social profiles where you can follow and grab that knowledge & get best online certification training in bangladesh.

Online Certification Training in Bangladesh

Student Feedback

Digital Wit Academy Newsletter

Get free consultation with industry experts​

We offer free consultation about career or business growth where you will get individual analysis by the experts. You can book a meeting and discuss your questions personally.

Get Free Counseling from a Career Counselor

We offer free career counseling support so that you can make the right career decisions. You will get answers to your various career-related questions from experienced career counselors.

Digital Wit Academy Newsletter

Enroll the right course to build a successful career

To build a successful career whether it is employment or freelancing or business, you can select the best course of your choice from Digital Wit Academy platform.

Enroll the right course to build a successful career

To build a successful career whether it is employment or freelancing or business, you can select the best course of your choice from Digital Wit Academy platform.