Digital Wit Academy

Refund and Returns Policy

Refund Policy

Refund and Returns Policy

Last Update: 01 Nov 2023

Digital Wit Academy is ready to refund only when a student meets any of the following statements. We always love to deliver the best and qualityful services to our students. However, in some cases, it may occur inconvenience issues.

Digital Wit Academy accepts “Refund Request” under some policies. Only accepted to the following case/s:

  1. A full refund claim is accepted if you do not get course/s log in access within 96 hours of the order placement.

  2. If by mistake a student order the same course twice or more, a full refund would be eligible only when the course/s log in access is/are not delivered yet. One email address represents for only one individual student. Different email addresses represent for different students.

Digital Wit Academy reserves the “right to decline a refund request” in the following case/s:

  • In the case of change of mind , a student claims a refund after he receives the course/s login access.
  • In the case the refund request accepted, because of the order would be under process, there can be no refund within 72 hours. Total refund process can take upto 10 working days.
  • The Student requests a refund due to the absence of features which we never claimed to provide in our courses or which are not listed in the feature list for the courses, there is not any refund possible.
  • In the case of payment installment , if the student fails to follow the payment terms and conditions.
Digital Wit Academy reserves all rights to take any decision whether the refund request is accepted or not for any specific case. For any type of refund related queries , please email us to and use the subject line “Order Refund by [full name]”.